Monday 25 April 2011

Will you blog with me?

Remember the three rules for blogging as you participate:
1) First names and nicknames only.
2) Keep content appropriate.
3) Be aware of the feelings of other people.

Please leave me lots of comments!
Thank You :)

Sunday 17 April 2011

Heart Charts

Let's use hearts charts to help us understand how to design an effective learning environment.
We'll start with...what is a good classroom? 
Feel free to add your thoughts about what makes a 'good' classroom.
What makes you enjoy being in class?

Lots to do...

Are you on board?
Do you agree that this is key area of improvement for us?

Mission Statement - Will you join me?

Will you join me to make our classroom a better place?
Do you think it's worthwhile to spend a lot of time developing our behaviours and our ability to work well in group situations?