Monday 2 May 2011

Our Target Wall

Well done - you have all set yourself a target to work on that will help to improve our classroom environment and make it a more positive place.
Do you think it is a good idea to have individual targets?

My Target!

What do you think of my target?  Do you think it's the right thing for me to focus on?  Is there something else that I really need to improve?  Let me know...

Congratulations - we are making progress!

Have you made any changes to your conduct or levels of participation that you would like to share in the comments section?
I'm really proud of the good work we are doing.  I think our classroom feels a happier place to be already.  Do you agree?

Monday 25 April 2011

Will you blog with me?

Remember the three rules for blogging as you participate:
1) First names and nicknames only.
2) Keep content appropriate.
3) Be aware of the feelings of other people.

Please leave me lots of comments!
Thank You :)

Sunday 17 April 2011

Heart Charts

Let's use hearts charts to help us understand how to design an effective learning environment.
We'll start with...what is a good classroom? 
Feel free to add your thoughts about what makes a 'good' classroom.
What makes you enjoy being in class?

Lots to do...

Are you on board?
Do you agree that this is key area of improvement for us?

Mission Statement - Will you join me?

Will you join me to make our classroom a better place?
Do you think it's worthwhile to spend a lot of time developing our behaviours and our ability to work well in group situations?